Monday, February 22, 2016

Leadership Development: An Interview with Deloitte CLO Ashley Goodall

In this interview, Deloitte Chief Learning Officer Ashley Goodall discusses leadership development: Identifying strengths and weaknesses in leaders Nurturing leaders Team dynamics Re-inventing performance management Insights from data


How to Outsource Digital Responsibility Succesfully

According to Gartner, up to 50 percent of digital marketing activities are now being outsourced, as both large and small companies seek support for their marketing functions. However, there are still marketing leaders who believe nothing should be outsourced to an agency. This likely occurs because of a lack of experience in knowing when and how to outsource. To shed more light on this decision, I sought insight from David Rodnitzky, CEO of digital marketing agency 3Q Digital. What follows are Rodnitzkys insights.

ARM Holdings Releases A Very Tiny Core For IoT And Wearables

Devices are getting smarter and connected this is a common industry saying and the basis for excitement about IoT. Much of these connected devices run on processors designed by ARM Holdings, PLC of Cambridge, UK. The company estimates that over 60 billion (with a b) chips have shipped with its cores inside. Its fair to say ARM is the preeminent supplier of processor chip-level intellectual property (IP) to IoT, a market that Inteltrying to grow as PC sales decline. Still, the need to connect more devices and make more devices intelligent keeps moving forward.

Apple Is Losing To The Government In The Court Of Public Opinion, New Poll Says

A new poll from the Pew Research Center showed that a bit more than half the American public sides with government on this issue.

How Safe Is The Guy You Just Ordered On-Demand?

What Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Startup Regulations

Sunday, February 21, 2016

By the Numbers: March 2016

Wellness is big business, but it's not a stretch to say employers that make wellness a priority can save money ...

This Members' Club Is Expanding To Help Millennials Live Way Beyond Their Means

image thumbnail - see full story for attributions
The view Magnises members get at New York Islanders games. Photo Credit: Rebecca Chin During New York Islanders games at the shiny Barclays Center, hundreds of seats in the front rows are not filled by rich businessmen in suits or dolled-up celebrities or even die-hard, season ticket holder hockey fans. They are

The Wall Street Journal: Mark Zuckerberg touts Samsung's virtual-reality efforts

Samsung Electronics Co. released its latest flagship smartphone Sunday on the sidelines of the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona, getting the backing of Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, who said the companies are teaming up to push virtual-reality features in phones and social networking.

15 Top Paying IT Certifications In 2016: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Leads At $125K

Each of the five Amazon Web Services (AWS) certifications brings in an average salary of more than $100,000.
There are more than 685,000 Project Management Professionals (PMPs) worldwide, and their average annual salary is $116,094.
Four of the 15 are Cisco certifications, solidifying the value of these certifications in enterprise IT.

Some Key Issues In The Apple iPhone Decryption Matter

As many people are well aware, on February 16 a U.S. magistrate issued an order compelling Apple to assist the government in bypassing the security features of an iPhone 5C used by one of the perpetrators of the December 2015 San Bernardino attack. Apple responded with a strongly worded statement from CEO Tim Cook calling the order a "dangerous precedent," and is expected to file its formal opposition with the court by February 26.

10 Easy Steps That Will Make You a Master Networker

Here's how to make the connections that can accelerate your career.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Virgin Galactic Resumes Its Launch Trajectory With The Unveiling Of VSS Unity Spaceship

After four years of quiet construction, Virgin Galactic stormed back into the space tourism industry yesterday with the unveiling of VSS Unity, their second vehicle for commercial flights.

Meet The Entrepreneurs Aiming To Make Virtual Shopping The New (Augmented) Reality

Two business partners and entrepreneurs who have been friends for more than 25 years have developed an award-winning product that is beginning to make waves as the missing link that could finally solve the problem of how to unite "clicks" and "bricks".

Top Cyber News: iPhone 7 Decrypt App?, McAfee's FBI Offer, Malware Trends

A weekly roundup of the top 10 cybersecurity news stories.

Organic Food, Supplements, Diet Fads: Why Now is a Great Time to be a Fitness Startup

There has never been a better time to be a fitness startup.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Market Snapshot: S&P 500, Dow end flat, but post best weekly gain of 2016

U.S. stocks finished little changed on Friday, but the Dow and the S&P 500 managed to log their best weekly gains since November, closing the curtain on a bumpy stretch of trading on Wall Street.

Are Hiring Practices Fundamentally Flawed?

Hiring managers who use tests, assessments and behavioral interviewing to find the best candidates may be looking at the wrong things, according to new research from Harvard professor Todd Rose.

Facebook Treads A Thin Line Between Ads And Spam On Messenger

More than 20 businesses are now figuring out how to talk to you on Messenger. When Facebook lets them start a chat in just few months, it risks putting some users off.

Apple Loop: Latest iPhone 7 Leaks In Stereo, Nexus 6P Defeats iPhone 6S Plus, Apple Fights America

Tthis week's Apple Loop includes Apple's next volatile step in the American Crypto War, Apple's backtracking over Error 53, what the iPhone 7 will replace the headphone jack with, price cuts for the Apple Watch, how Apple could use its profits to change the smartphone market, Eddy Cue revealing iCloud and Apple Music numbers, a look inside Apple's chip design team, and why is Apple buying a Fiat van from 1957?

RPO World Keeps on Turning

Companies are finding it tougher to lure top candidates, so many are turning to RPOs -- on a global basis.

8 Tricks That Help You Beat Burnout--Even While Working Crazy Hours

Just because you have a stressful job doesn't mean you have to feel stressed.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

New Breed Of Startups Aims To Transform Security

The security industry has started to go through a transformation. The transformation is part evolution and part maturity. Exploits and attack techniques advance rapidly and a quick look at the headlines on any given week demonstrates that traditional network and endpoint security solutions are proving inadequate. The companies that form the new breed of security are bringing unique and innovative approaches to the problem rather than just tweaking the same old broken security model.

Jessica Alba's Honest Company Accused of Dishonest Advertising in Lawsuit

For the second time, customers are trying to sue the consumer products brand over alleged false advertising. Here's what you need to know about the case.

New Breed Of Startups Aims To Transform Security

The security industry has started to go through a transformation. The transformation is part evolution and part maturity. Exploits and attack techniques advance rapidly and a quick look at the headlines on any given week demonstrates that traditional network and endpoint security solutions are proving inadequate. The companies that form the new breed of security are bringing unique and innovative approaches to the problem rather than just tweaking the same old broken security model.

Improving Job Market Bringing Down Need to Relocate?

The number of job candidates who relocate for employment is on the decline, according to one source, falling 4 percentage points in 2015 from a post-recession high just the year before.

Walmart Needs To Reconnect With Customers And Employees

Walmart (NYSE:WMT) has tried many things to fix its sluggish sales problem: closed stores, laid off employees, raised pay for those remaining, and expanded its on-line presence. Apparently, these initiatives haven't been working, as evidenced by another weak sales report released by the company today. What else does Walmart need to do?

How to Address Transgender Employment Issues in the Workplace

With more states providing protection for transgender employees, here are steps that employers can take to foster a safe ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to Pitch, Value & Fund Your Digital Baby - Part 3 of a 6-Part Series for Digital Entrepreneurs

This is part 3 of a 6-part series where I present a set of contrarian start/build/exit best practices for digital entrepreneurs.

If Apple Can Create A Backdoor To The iPhone, Could Someone Else?

On February 16, U.S. Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym issued an order compelling Apple to assist the government in bypassing the security features of an iPhone 5C that belonged to one of the perpetrators of the December 2015 San Bernardino attack. Apple quickly responded with a lengthy statement from CEO Tim Cook calling the order a "dangerous precedent." It "would be wrong," asserted Cook, "for the government to force us to build a backdoor into our products. And ultimately, we fear that this demand would undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect."

Oxymorons In The Tax Law Can Not Be Fixed With Clever Ideas

The Fifth Circuit decision in the case of Larry and Dora Williams has not attracted much attention as it merely confirms a Tax Court decision , but I have a passion for the passive activity loss rules (Code Section 469).
Background On The Oxymoron Of Passive Activities

Google CEO: Apple right to fight FBI on encryption

Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai came to rival Apple Inc.'s defense Wednesday afternoon, saying that Tim Cook's defiance in the face of the FBI avoided setting a "troubling precedent."

How A Tech Entrepreneur Showed Why Many Have Contempt For Tech Entrepreneurs

Warning: Reading some of this might make you feel a little unwell.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

When It Comes to Tax Day - "Think Long"

Being creative on your corporate taxes may mean paying (much) more later

Why You Should Have Job Descriptions

No state or federal law "requires" job descriptions. But job descriptions can be helpful tools for both practical and legal reasons. Here are some of the most important.

How Small Businesses Can Survive The Rising Tide Of Healthcare Costs

The rising cost of healthcare is a tide that many smaller businesses cannot stop. In the short term they need to manage costs and use ACA subsidies. In the long term the U.S. needs to understand that the cost of healthcare is a burden many small businesses cannot bear.

The Wall Street Journal: DoorDash near $700 million valuation, missing target

DoorDash Inc. is close to completing a round of investment valuing the food-delivery startup at around $700 million, a steep discount to the $1 billion valuation it sought when it began fundraising last fall, according to people familiar with the deal.

Energy Efficient Buildings: The Last Bridge For Bipartisan Cooperation In 2016?

President Obama recently released the budget for his final year in office; in his message to Congress, he outlined a few key priorities that could have a significant impact on the intelligent buildings market. There is no doubt that a rocky road lies ahead before these aspirations could become a reality.

Ruthless and Sober in Syria

This article was originally published at

GE Heads North And Why You May Get A Deal On A Conn. House

It's official: General Electric is retreating from Connecticut and relocating its headquarters to Boston.

Al Jazeera: America's Not-So-Warm Embrace

Several years ago when Al Jazeera announced its ambitious plans to expand its TV news footprint from the Middle East to the United States, I scratched my head and pondered the foolishness of such an idea. After all, didn't Al Jazeera built its brand identity as the propaganda arm for the Intifada and a few recognized terrorist groups? Minimally, those charged with re-positioning Al Jazeera America into a reputable journalistic enterprise, by U.S. standards, would have their work cut out for them.

CEO, Founder, And CS Professor Luis Von Ahn Talks MOOCs, Founding A Company, And Duolingo's Future

CEO, Founder, And CS Professor Luis Von Ahn Talks MOOCs, Founding A Company, And Duolingo's Future. These questions were originally answered on Quora.

Florida Archaeologists Condemn Proposed 'Citizen Archaeology' Permit

A new "citizen archaeology" bill introduced in the Florida House this week has archaeologists fearful of the future of archaeology in the state.

Five Ways Startup Funding Will Change In 2016

There are a number of untenable conditions in startup financing that will lead to market corrections, but I do not see a "bubble burst" coming our way. Check out all of my startup financing predictions for 2016 here.

Powerball Pool Winners Can Bring Out the Worst in Workers

Every situation is different, but there are many examples of lawsuits that started over office pools that won lotteries. What's ...

The 'Lego-ization' of Learning

Companies are repurposing digital content into smaller chunks to make their learning more useful to more workers.

Athletes Tom Brady, Jeremy Lin and Giancarlo Stanton Design TAG Heuer Connected Watches

When do smart watches or Connected watches go too far? TAG Heuer recently announced new dials to its Connected watch - created in conjunction with star athletes such as Tom Brady, Giancarlo Stanton and Jeremy Lin.

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Online Business At A Young Age

I first started dabbling in entrepreneurship when I was a freshman in highschool.

Internet Is Primary Resource for Job Seekers Worldwide

Among the nearly 20 percent of the world's workforce who change jobs each year, over half use the Internet to look for employment. One-third of these job changers rated Internet job sites as most effective for finding positions.

Annul the Annual Survey? Some Experts Think You Should

How are you soliciting feedback from your employees? Waggl CEO Michael Papay explains what he believes are the drawbacks of ...

How Virtual Reality Will Change the Health Industry

In the past two decades, virtual reality simulations have been operated in order to help patients with conditions like phobias, severe pain, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

9 Reasons Why Working With Family and Friends Is a Good Idea

Is it a good idea to work with your friends and family?

How to Keep Key Employees

It's not just money.

Does Anyone Really Care About The Internet Of Things?

Last week's Consumer Electronics Show ("CES") put a spotlight on Internet of Things ("IOT") and the smart home. Has it now arrived? I'm skeptical because I don't yet see the killer app.

Global police arrest bitcoin extortion suspect

European police have, with the help of global authorities, arrested an individual they call a key suspect in a gang of cyber extortionists.

How One Business Owner Proved That Necessity Is the Mother of Innovation

When Jeff Holmes was a new and struggling entrepreneur, he turned his business around with one simple trick.

Why Food 3D Printing is a Recipe for How To Revolutionize Your Main Street Business

Sweetening profits one cake at a time, 3D Systems tests out 3D Print recipes and a new business model

How These 4 Companies Used Content to Generate Leads

How real companies are using content marketing to make the cash register ring

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Number One: The most popular new emoji isn't actually the taco

14% of all new emojis sent are the "face with rolling eyes."

Want To Be Successful? Research Says You Should Write More Emails

Research shows that those who get on go on. Digitally speaking, that is.

The New Word Of The Year Is Going To Upset Some People

The American Dialect Society has just met. And it's made a very controversial choice.

Moonlighters Intend to Keep Second Jobs in 2016

Nearly 9 in 10 (89 percent) workers with second jobs plan to keep moonlighting in 2016, with a majority of respondents saying they are doing so to keep up with cost of living, according to a new survey by job site Indeed.

7 Secrets to Starting a New Habit--and Making It Stick

Starting a habit is easy. After that, things get tougher.

7 Reasons Why It's Smart to Listen More Than You Talk

Saying less and hearing more has huge benefits that most people miss.

Some Real-World Fixes

The easy fix would require insurers to offer active employers the same coverage within the ACA-mandated three-times age bands.

NYPD Used Invasive Mobile Spy Tech On New York Streets 1,000 Times Since 2008

Stingrays, used to intercept mobile communications within several kilometers, have been used more than 1,000 times in New York.

Rethinking the Salary History Question

A bill winding its way through the Massachusetts legislature would prohibit recruiters from asking prospective hires about their salary histories.

After Hours: Pandora's spending plans dismay investors

Pandora Media Inc. told investors about plans for 2016 that include heavy spending to launch an on-demand music service and expand into other businesses, indicating why the company may be seeking a well-heeled potential buyer

The Future Of News Is Not The 'Fun' Quartz App, It Needs These Four Things To Succeed

I am a fan of Quartz so I had big expectations when asked to be a Beta tester of the new news app out today. The experience of using the app has been fine but it is clear there's a long way to go until the messenger-esque user interface (UI) rivals the usability anything currently available. Admittedly I had high expectations and I am ultimately left disappointed but it's a perfectly decent enough app. Don't get me wrong, I was just as ready as @Mims and co to offer glowing reviews but unfortunately the value is just not there yet. The app itself is clean, simple and uses a UI that is similar to a conversation you have with a knowledgeable friend. Except it isn't. The UI is a kooky, overly emoji-laden, question asking dumb computer that never feels quite right.

6 Steps To Refocus Your Business On Customer Delight

Having the best solution is a good start these days, but a solution alone is no longer enough to keep customer attention and loyalty. They expect to be surprised and delighted as well by their pre-purchase experience and post-purchase interactions. The most memorable businesses, like Starbucks and Apple, no longer sell products, they sell 'experiences' with a product at the center.

Reports Of A Cybersecurity Market Slowdown Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Cybersecurity stocks are down, but cybersecurity spending is on an upward trajectory.

Weeding Out Candidates and the Dumbest Thing I Ever Did in an Interview

You can't always pinpoint the moment when you blow an interview, but I blew it and I knew it, even ...

7 Remarkably Effective Ways to Lead With Your Heart

Great leaders know how to blend the analytical with the emotional. That doesn't make you a softie. Just the opposite.

Watch this Google exec squirm over a question on pay

Google's Matt Brittin faces off against a U.K. member of parliament over his salary.

The Future Of The Retail Customer Experience: Experts Discuss Trends And Engagement

The future of the retail customer experience is the subject of this expert one-on-one with customer experience consultants Micah Solomon (that's me, your author) and James Tenser. You'll meet a robot that answers the dreaded question, "Does this dress make me look fat?" and you'll discover an idea for an Abe Vigoda clone that finds you the right wing nut in the hardware store.

9 Empowering Ways to Be Your Own Valentine

placeholderHere's what you can do to celebrate someone who really deserves it: you.

Forbes Weekly Roundup Of The Top 10 Cybersecurity And Hacking Stories

A roundup of the top 10 cybersecurity stories from the past week

Is Theranos Too Good To Be True?

Rethinking The Theranos Diagnosis

Dating sites crack down on liars

Many online daters take years (and years) off their age.